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Showing posts from February, 2014

Chicken and Pancakes

Oh hi there, everyone! Happy new year (yes, I'm so late, I know. Been really busy with my new job and it's so hard to catch up on writing when you're adjusting.)! I've actually not been out a lot lately and this one time I met up with a friend, I thought I must share with you. We dined in at Pancake House in Glorietta 1.Was super duper tired few days prior and my way of making up to my poor self is (always) to binge eat. Tried out Spicy Chicken Fillet with Brown Rice Pilaf. At first I couldn't distinguish if the tangy taste was because of the tartar sauce or if the brown rice was spoiled. I continued eating and realized later it was the sauce. Spicy Chicken Fillet with Brown Rice Pilaf, Php 186 Three pieces of filleted chicken was plenty. I could've consumed just the biggest one. It was delicious paired with the white sauce. And the rice. The fact that it's brown made me think I was eating healthy so it's a-ok if I finish everything. What ...