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Showing posts from April, 2014

El Chupacabra

It was last year when I first heard that one Filipino would have the chance to go to space and represent via Axe Apollo. When the winner was announced, I read his name on an online newspaper and read about him just out of curiosity. This led me to Chino Roque's Instagram account. At that point, I was clueless but too lazy to search if the account name means anything. Recently, I saw a post of some celebrity dining in at El Chupacabra. That gave it away. El Chupacabra is a place. Little did I know that more than it being just a name of a restaurant, it is a mythical creature . Trivia, trivia. :) Last Sunday, I got a message from a friend on Facebook inviting me to go on a food trip on the 25th, and I immediately agreed. After work last night, we met up, rode a cab and got off at Felipe cor. Polaris St. In fairness, it wasn't hard to find. The place was so filled up, it was difficult to miss. We arrived 9pm-ish, but the bulk of people at the waiting list was quite a number...